Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Play It Again, Sam

Last week, a letter to the editor in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette attributed the Newtown, CT massacre to the Supreme Court's ban of state-sponsored prayer in public schools. It elicited the following reply, which I think is worth repeating:

Where was God?

Gloria Thibault's Jan. 22 letter “Pray Instead” implies that putting God back in schools would protect children from violence. If this is true, why hasn't God protected children from predators and pedophiles in churches?

Kenneth L. Kaufman
Bethel Park


  1. Excellent point. Definitely worth repeating. Since I do not read the PG frequently, I am glad I saw this here. Thanks, LS.

  2. As am I -- thank you for sharing. I'll remember this point of logic the next time I see the same tired "god can't protect school children if not let in to schools" Facebook posts...


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